WUT Website

Assist. Prof. Ph.D. Sebastian-Aurelian Stefaniga

International Relations Department

As the largest higher education and research centre in Western Romania, West University of Timisoara (WUT) has 11 faculties and a Teacher Training Department, 85 study programmes at the Bachelor Level, 120 study programmes at the Master level, and 8 Doctoral Schools. Out of these, over 20 Bachelor, Master and PhD study programmes are offered completely in English, French or German.

A comprehensive higher education institution, with around 6% international students out of a total of 15000, West University of Timişoara is constantly striving to create a substantially authentic, interdisciplinary and international environment for our yearly incoming cohorts of undergraduates, graduates and postgraduates. Our curricula for any study programme include foreign language courses, internships, and transversal courses, a unique initiative that offers students the opportunity to choose a „minor” specialisation. We also host numerous international lecturers and cultural centres and offer opportunities for continuous training to our academic and non-academic staff.

An important part of WUT’s current internationalisation strategy is connected to our membership to the UNITA European Alliance, supported by the European Commission within the Erasmus European Universities initiative.
The university’s strong focus on quality in an increasingly competitive and globalised academic world is acknowledged in international rankings worldwide. Last but not least, as Timişoara was the Cultural Capital of Europe in 2023, with WUT being an important partner in many of the activities connected to this endeavour, we strongly believe that the socio-cultural dimension of a European University would benefit from our contribution in this sense.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency (NA). Neither the European Union nor the NA can be held responsible for them.