Lithuania Business College (LBC) is a modern, open to society and independent higher education institution founded in 1994 that prepares professionals in social and physical sciences who are focused on the Lithuanian and European labour market. LBC is determined to prepare creative, qualified professionals, establish conditions for lifelong learning by granting a professional bachelor’s degree, and carry out the applied research necessary for regional development.

Mission. LBC is determined to prepare creative, qualified professionals, establish conditions for lifelong learning by granting a professional bachelor’s degree, and carry out the applied research necessary for regional development. Vision. LBC is an innovative, transparent, socially active, and reliable higher education institution that is internationally recognized, versatile to the developments in the labour market, and prepared to meet the needs of society.

LBC integrates the latest IT technologies into the study process, and due to this, it creates versatile and engaging means of studying. One of the main aims of LBC is to improve the quality of the study. Interactive lessons and various methods of engaging are being used in the process of studying. LBC has been equipped with the CISCO Laboratory, Construction Materials Laboratory, Technology and Innovation Laboratory, Criminology Laboratory, Simulated Courtroom, Leadership Laboratory and Tourism Laboratory.

More information:
Lithuania Business College
Head of Strategic Development and Communication Department
Lect. Modestas Vaikšnoras

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