In the context of the XIII International Workshop on HRM organized by the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville, the University of Cadiz and the IESG European Institute for Sustainability in Management, the Mondragon University team had the opportunity to share the study carried out on Competences: “Alliance Manager’s competences for the future: new forms of work”.
According to Zoogah and Peng competencies are the set of knowledge, skills, values, attitudes or personal characteristics that Alliance Managers (AM) have as a result of their training and experience in the creation of partnerships and in the performance of the functions derived from partnership management. Based on the literature review and the functions and objectives to be fulfilled by AMs´ to respond to the challenges of the future, concluded the existence of 21 competencies classified as: personal (7), interpersonal (8) and technical (6) associated with two AM profiles: the Corporate AM and the Operational AM (independent profiles but complementary in the partnership management process and in their supervision).
As a result, the Workshop was crucial not only to share the results of the study to answer the needs of European´s SMEs in order to generate quality Strategic Alliances, but also to confirm the relevance of the Same Experience Project and to develop our own competencies to create and sustain strategic alliances.
On the one hand, many of the challenges of the future of organizations are linked to the green and digital transition. On the other hand, the success of our work, as researchers, is strongly connected with the creation and development of relations with strategic stakeholders: universities, researchers, companies…
In both cases, people play a fundamental role, being collaboration a must for organizations to respond to the challenges of the future considering digital and green perspective: SAMExperience project.
Written by Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MUE), Spain