In November 2024, the SAMExperience team launched its first online webinar ‘Collaborative and Green Skills: Competences to Lead the Sustainability Transition.’
Lithuania Business College is a participant in Erasmus+ KA220 Project “Sustainable Alliance Manager: Learning Experience towards Collaborative Skills with Green Consciousness”. LBC team is responsible for Work package No.2 – Alliance Manager Profile: Training Needs & Competences and Profile Definition in collaboration with UEKAT team from Poland.
The first webinar was born from an idea of Lithuania Business College (LBC), in collaboration with University of Foggia (UNIFG) and Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MUE). The webinar goal was catch society (academicals, students and companies representatives) interest about the project and grow interest to learn more about the project. Project team are very happy having reached big number participants in this webinar. There was around one hundred registrations and participants from various countries: Italy, Spain, Lithuania, Romania, Norway, Latvia, Sweden, Ireland, Mauritius and Cameroon.
- In the webinar was discussed about relevant project topics : Relevance of Developing Competences to Lead the Sustainability Transition – Nekane Morales López (Mondragon Unibertsitatea – MUE);
- Collaborative and Green Skills: Current Development – Simona Grigaliūnienė (Lithuania Business College – LBC);
- Collaborative and Green Skills: Future Steps W3 & W4 – Olatz Diego Marcos (Mondragon Unibertsitatea – MUE);
In the end of webinar all participants have had the possibility to ask Questions and have discussion.
Regarding to the results and cooperation, a scientific study was also published, the content of which responds to the insights and literature analysis, which was focused on identifying Competences to Lead the Sustainability Transition. The authors of the study are MUE, LBC and UEKAT researchers, and you can get acquainted with the study: https://ltvk.lt/wp-content/uploads/2024/12/SAM_Profile.pdf
To not miss further updates of the coming webinars, remember to follow project social Networks FB and LinkedIn, official website and subscribe to the Newsletter.
Stay tuned because new webinar is coming on 2025 January! In the webinar is planning sharing updates with companies working in the industrial production sector. Where would be invited Alliance Manager´s in manufacturing industries to talk about their profile and the importance of his/her role in their companies.
Written by Lithuania Business College team (Lithuania)