The Sustainable Alliance Manager (SAM) plays a crucial role in inspiring SMEs to exceed their minimum legal obligations and embrace sustainable development. Through the Sustainability Report, an SME shares not only its financial results but also its social and environmental impact. It is addressed to all stakeholders, communicating the commitments and results undertaken within the framework of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). 

The Sustainability Report can be a valuable source for the Sustainable Alliance Manager to effectively communicate, share, and engage with stakeholders. This tool offers internal benefits leading to better organization and management of internal processes, as well as external advantages that result in increased visibility and enhanced credibility with external parties. 

The main benefits that an SME could obtain by choosing to report non-financial information are: 

Risk Identification: by analyzing social, environmental, and governance risks, SMEs can develop effective strategies to prevent and mitigate their effects. 

– Resource Optimisation: by reducing waste and improving operational efficiency, companies can reduce costs and increase competitiveness. 

Easier Access to Credit Markets: institutional and private investors are increasingly interested in sustainable companies. A well-written Sustainability Report can attract new investments and lead to better financing conditions. 

Increased Transparency: by openly communicating SMEs sustainable practices, the Sustainable Alliance Manager builds trust with stakeholders, enhancing their credibility. 

Better Image and Reputation: consumers are becoming more attentive to environmental and social issues. Sustainable SMEs are more likely to attract new customers and retain existing ones. 

Reputational growth is a significant advantage that SMEs can achieve through environmental and sustainability reports, helping to consolidate local relationships. The commitments made within the context of CSR contribute to a more solid, authoritative and credible green reputation for the SMEs over time. 


Written by RESOLVO Team