Started in October of 2023, Sustainable Alliance Manager Experience (SAMExperience) is a three-year EU Erasmus+ project (KA220-HED – Cooperation partnerships in higher education) designed to respond to the needs of European SMEs. On the one hand, representing 99% of the European companies, SME’s are required to adapt to changes, develop their innovation capacity, increase their competitive advantage and operate in the current green transition era. Having limited resources, SME’s face difficulties to deal with these challenges on their own; hence, developing partnerships and alliances is one of the best mechanisms for SMEs to respond to this situation.
Green transition challenge and the requirement of developing alliances to respond to it demands from SME’s to have specific roles within the organization who includes collaborative skills as well as green skills. Therefore the role of Sustainable Alliance Manager (SAM), who can activate, manage and assess sustainable smart alliances becomes crucial in the current context.
SAMExperience is a learning experience towards collaborative skills with green Consciousness designed with the aim of complete the gap between theoretical and practical knowledge in collaborative-green sector.
The short-term goal of this project is to develop an international, digital, flexible and personalized learning experience for Sustainable Alliance Managers whereas it´s long-term goal is to provide professionals with the necessary collaborative and green skills to create and manage sustainable alliances within SME´s in the manufacturing sector, fulfilling it´s need for sustainable intercompany growth.
This project is expected to have as a result the identification of learning needs, materials, paths and outcomes of the Sustainable Alliance Manager as well as the definition of a digital platform to train collaborative-green skills of Business Management and Engineering students to specialize them in the SAM role.
The SAMExperience project team is composed by Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara (Romania), Lietuvos verslo kolegija (Lithuania), Universita degli studi di Foggia (Italy), Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach (Poland), Valuedo srl (Italy) and coordinated by the Faculty of Business Studies from Mondragon University (Spain).
Written by Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MUE), Spain