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The University of Economics in Katowice (UEKat) is one of Poland’s leading public economic universities. Being the largest and oldest business school in the region of Silesia, it educates about 8,000 students and doctoral students in the field of socio-economic sciences. Its professional excellence is confirmed by one of the highest employability rates of its graduates in the country. Founded in 1937, it is deeply grounded in more than 85 years of academic tradition and, at the same time, open to new ideas and innovative solutions.

The mission of the University emphasises that it has a responsibility to conduct relevant research and business-oriented education to provide top professionals in the field of economics, management, finance, logistics, administration, as well as IT and communication. As an academic community, employees identify themselves with the dynamically developing post-industrial region and surroundings. It offers lifelong learning opportunities to support entrepreneurship, business and the public sector. The University is open to international and expert cooperation, boasting numerous teaching programs conducted in English and providing international mobility both for the students and staff. The University employs and/or hosts renowned international scientists/lecturers, ensuring our students receive state-of-the-art education.

The high-quality of research and education is confirmed by the prestigious international accreditation CEEMAN IQA granted to the University in 2020. Moreover, the Master’s degree program in International Business obtained one of the highest quality marks in the world of education – the EFMD Accredited – confirming its top position in the national and international market.

The internationalisation of scientific, research and educational activities is one of the major directions of the University of Economics in Katowice activity. As an active participant in international academic life, the University makes every effort to establish effective and long-term relations with foreign partners, including higher education institutions, research centres, enterprises as well as governmental and non-governmental organisations. The University has concluded over 327 bilateral agreements with foreign institutions from over 56 countries. The concluded agreements enable the exchange of students and academic staff, as well as joint research and educational projects.

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