Lithuania Business College is a participant in the Erasmus+ KA220 Project “Sustainable Alliance Manager: Learning Experience towards Collaborative Skills with Green Consciousness”. LBC team is responsible for Work Package No.2 – Alliance Manager Profile: Training Needs & Competences and Profile Definition.
Regarding Work Package No. 2, the scientific literature was evaluated to prepare a sustainable alliance manager competency model, which will later be verified during empirical research. We are glad that work package No. 2 activities are being carried out regarding the action plan. There was already an analysis of the literature review carried out by Lithuania and Poland in comparison with the theoretical model that has been defined to seek complementarity in the existing review, identify what is included in the literature, and identify what remains collected. Also, there was a Completion analysis of the literature with scientific materials (based on the gaps identified) – STRATEGIC ALLIANCES. Theories that justify the existence of strategic alliances (those identified in the current framework). There was analyzed Strategic alliance management theories:
- Strategy/Leadership/Direction;
- Processes and systems;
- People/Teams;
- Collaborative culture.
Regarding the action plan, there was a Completion analysis of the literature with scientific materials – GREEN CONSCIOUSNESS. The green transition contexts that will require collaborations between companies were identified, and the SAM must operate (for example, industrial symbiosis). Throughout this period, all partners completed the analysis of the literature with NON-scientific materials/ good practices. LBC, together with the collaborating partner, identified the keys of the construct combinations in order to enrich the definitions of the constructs within the framework of the SAM project. Combinations refer to:
- Strategic alliance + competence;
- Green + Strategic alliance;
- Green + Competence.
Regarding the action plan, there was also a search for a competency selection criterion, which categorised the identified competencies and built the preliminary theoretical profile of SAM. Throughout this period, we identified and selected the scientific journals in which we wanted to publish, identified the methodologies required, and provided inputs to the design of the empirical study methodology. We are happy that we are successfully implementing the project activities from Work Package No. 2 together with project partners.
Insights and practices in implementation were made by The SAMExperience project team composed of Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara (Romania), Lietuvos verslo kolegija (Lithuania), Universita degli Studi di Foggia (Italy), Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach (Poland), Valuedo srl (Italy) and coordinated by the Faculty of Business Studies from Mondragon University (Spain).
Written by the Lithuania Business College team (Lithuania)