Project Coordinator

Mondragon Unibertsitatea (MUE) is a cooperative university integrated into the MONDRAGON Corporation, with a mission to transform society and enhance enterprise competitiveness through comprehensive education and knowledge transfer. It focuses on holistic student development, incorporating cooperative values to drive societal progress and entrepreneurship.


The West University of Timisoara (WUT) is the largest higher education institution in Western Romania, offering a wide range of study programs in various languages, including English, French, and German. With around 6% international students, WUT focuses on creating an interdisciplinary and international environment through language courses, internships, and transversal courses. It is a member of the UNITA European Alliance and is recognized for its quality education in global rankings. WUT actively contributes to the socio-cultural dimension of European University initiatives, particularly as Timisoara was the Cultural Capital of Europe in 2023.


Lithuania Business College (LBC) is a modern, open to society and independent higher education institution founded in 1994 that prepares professionals in social and physical sciences who are focused on the Lithuanian and European labour market. LBC is determined to prepare creative, qualified professionals, to establish conditions for a lifelong learning by granting a professional bachelor’s degree and to carry out the applied research that is necessary for a regional development.

The University of Foggia (UNIFG), founded in 1999, is a young and dynamic University in the Apulia Region (South of Italy).
Its educational offer and didactics is in line with the territorial requirements, by research projects, internationalization, orientation, cultural events and promotion of University activities.
The Department of Economics develops educational offerings focused on issues of governance of economic and business phenomena, integrated with a view to modern and responsible organization of markets, institutions and society, including through the encouragement of innovative national and international research programs.

The University of Economics in Katowice (UEKAT) is one of Poland’s leading public economic universities. Being the largest and oldest business school in the region of Silesia, it educates about 8,000 students and doctoral students in the field of socio-economic sciences. Its professional excellence is confirmed by one of the highest employability rates of its graduates in the country.

In Europe, Resolvo works with local authorities, development agencies, companies, research institutes and associations to develop cooperation projects with European Commission funding, supporting its clients in all the various project phases. Resolvo also provides a range of support services to European Territorial Cooperation Programmes, such as Technical Assistance, ex-ante and ongoing evaluation and project proposal evaluation.

ValueDo s.r.l. is a company specialising in introducing innovation to universities and public bodies, especially in the fields of e-learning and blended education, quality assurance, and evaluation. It carries out research activities dedicated to evaluating and defining strategies and best initiatives within public policies; it also provides training and support in the field of entrepreneurial education addressed to start-ups and established companies.
Valuedo adopts its own methodologies and tools developed by managers and employees within EU-funded projects. It provides consulting and advice to public administrations, enterprises of all sizes, local bodies, research centres and universities toward access to European Structural and Investments Funds.
partner until May 2024

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the National Agency (NA). Neither the European Union nor the NA can be held responsible for them.